IoT/IIoT Solutions

The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the way the world operates by connecting more smart devices and sharing information

Connecting the Internet of Things to a Higher Standard

Management consulting firm, McKinsey & Co., estimates that the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) will create $7.5T in revenue by 2025. Skyrocketing use of mobile devices among other network connections are helping change the face of information and communications infrastructure, moving it more toward network-centric front-end applications and cloud services that require much more in the way of network bandwidth.

With more data crossing the network to feed business applications and provide more control, connectivity in diverse environments create challenges for many OEM device manufactures.

Siemon’s expertise and innovative ideas have already solved many of these challenges and stands ready to help support your individual needs.

Featured Products of Internet of Things


Your IoT Provider

IDC, puts worldwide spending on IoT at $772.5bn in 2018 -- up nearly 15 percent on the $674bn that was spent in 2017. IDC predicts that total spending will hit $1tn in 2020 and $1.1tn in 2021. The three industries that are expected to spend the most on IoT in 2018 are manufacturing ($189bn), transportation ($85bn), and utilities ($73bn). Siemon’s ConvergeIT Cabling Solutions include advanced copper shielded cables and connectivity that provide superior support of PoE-enabled systems cost savings and sustainability over the life of the facility.



Siemon’s Z-PLUG™ Field Terminated Plug and Z-MAX Field terminated Outlet offers an innovative approach to connecting IP-enabled IoT and smart building devices. With the proliferation of RJ-45 based PoE enabled end devices, Z-PLUG™ was developed specifically to deliver a high-performance, reliable connection quickly and easily wherever a quick direct-connect is needed to support PoE LED lights, security cameras, wireless access points, HD digital displays, distributed antenna systems (DAS), building automation controls and more.

Engineering and Manufacturing Capabilities


Siemon engineers use the most advanced technological tools, resources and industry standards as a basis for new product development, which ensures the highest quality and performance. When Siemon engineers design a new product, they do so knowing that the individual components required can be manufactured to the most exacting standards.

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